Mob Business 应用

Business Model Canvas & SWOT 1.7.0
Mob Business
Build better Business Models Canvas. The Business ModelCanvascombines the speed of a napkin sketch with the smarts ofaspreadsheet. It enables you to map, test, and iterate yourbusinessideas – fast. With the Business Model Toolbox you will beable to:- Sketch your business model using the practicalmethodology fromthe best-selling book, Business Model Generation. -Test theprofitability of your ideas with a quick report andbreakdowns byoffer, customer segments, and costs. The app is basedon theBusiness Model Canvas, a widely practiced visualtemplatepre-formatted with the nine blocks of a business model(customersegments, value propositions, channels, customerrelationships,revenue streams, key resources, key activities, keypartners, coststructure). This application aims to help allentrepreneurs andStartups to organize and build their businessmodel using thefamous Canvas. With simple layout and usability,navigationthroughout the application can be found in buttonsActionBar, topof the screen. You can build your model automaticallyand ModelCanvas share via email, facebook and save on your memorycard!
Credit Score and CPF 1.5.1
Mob Business
Get rid of your doubts regarding your CPF registration situation